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The content shop is your trusted & easy-to-use store that allows you to achieve more in a limited time. 


See the video to learn more how to place an order 

Don't waste any more of your precious time looking for a graphic designer, copywriter, translator, social media content creator or printing house. Access professional creative services now - all under one roof. It's all here in one click 

1.See what kind of service you want to buy.

2. If you want to discuss your creative job with us. Easily, you can use one of the following Channels:

When using Pc/ Laptop


      1.Call us -toll free- by clicking the icon at the left corner, in case you             want to know more about our services or you want to brief us verbally.

      2.OR, you can schedule a meeting in our online meeting room by filling            a meeting request then we will send you the meeting room                            password within 12 hours. Our online meeting room allows you to                chat, send voice messages and share files instantly.

      3.OR, you can drop us an e-mail to the following address:                          


When using a mobile phone.


      4.Easily, you can reach us via WhatsApp. By clicking the WhatsApp icon           placed in the actions bar at the bottom of the page.

3.Select your product/service and pay online via Paypal, or Bank Transfer. We will send you our IBAN. However, in some cases, such as big projects, you have a choice to submit partial payment and then send the rest of the amount on job/project delivery.

4 .When you select any of our products or services, you can upload any related documents or files to your job. it might be (logo, brief, old content file, old design) 

5.We believe that communication is essential between the client and The Content Shop. So you can always contact us to know the updates about your requested job.

All Rights Reserved 2020

The content shop, the very first store of content

@Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Bahrain
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